Graduate Program Financial Aid

For the last four years, all graduate students who have enrolled in the MA program have received funding. While funding packages can vary, the typical full-time Graduate Assistantship includes an annual stipend of approximately $13,000 as well as tuition remission. There are additional opportunities for summer teaching; these positions are competitively awarded and offer a summer stipend of approximately $3,100. The department also has a range of other funding sources that can be used as additional sources of income. These include both competitively awarded scholarships (see below) as well as a range of other paid assignments (grading, assisting with faculty research projects, grant work, administration, and event organizing).

Graduate assistantships

We have a number of graduate assistantships that offer stipends and tuition remissions. These competitively awarded graduate assistants typically teach discussion sections under the supervision of faculty during their first year, then teach independently in their second year. 

Graduate assistant appointment awards are contingent upon the following conditions:

  • Satisfactory completion of 12 graduate credit hours during the academic year;
  • Maintaining a program grade point average of 3.0 or higher;
  • Completing 600 hours of service activities as assigned, averaging 20 hours per week for weeks classes are in session over the course of the award; and
  • Adherence to all University policies, regulations, directives, guidelines and student codes


In their first year, most graduate assistants in the Department of Philosophy are assigned to assist professors teaching large classes, perhaps including leading discussion sections. Beginning in the summer sessions and through their second year, most have responsibility for teaching classes on their own with the guidance of a faculty mentor. Some graduate assistants may alternatively be assigned to provide research assistance.

Mark Rochon Graduate Fellowship

Two Mark Rochon Graduate Fellowships of $1,000 each will be offered, chosen on the basis of academic merit.

Sylvia Culp Memorial Fellowship

A Sylvia Culp Memorial Fellowship of $1,000 will be offered; preference will be given to members of underrepresented groups within the discipline.

Heraclitean Society Essay Prize

Philosophy graduate students--both graduate assistants and non-graduate assistants--may compete for the Heraclitean Society Essay Prize. The award is $1,000 and is often divided between two or more winners.

ExtraMural Funding

Our Department has been successful in obtaining extra-murally funded grants.  These have totaled over $1,000,000 and been principally funded by the National Science Foundation and the Templeton Foundation.  Interested students may derive supplementary support from grants, whether as research assistants, through travel funding, and so on; please reach out to potential mentors regarding possibilities.  

Additional funding sources