Ashley Mahler is wearing a neutral shirt while smiling with their arms crossed.

Ashley Mahler, B.B.A.’19

The Solid Strategist

Marketing Science Senior Analyst,

Ashley Mahler is a strategist and storyteller who weaves marketing campaigns together with equal parts data and heart. As a marketing science senior analyst at Critical Mass, she works on the U.S. Army account. She leads the A/B and multivariate testing initiatives for the website, contributes to campaign strategies and reporting, and works collaboratively in a hub-agency model with nine other agencies.

The project Mahler is most proud of is the tagging and analytics efforts behind the Army Career Match digital experience on and its related testing initiatives. She describes her work on the U.S. Army account as giving her a sense of purpose and pride, which enhances her professional and personal life.

As of October 2021, Mahler is a member of Critical Mass’s Diversity and Inclusion Board, working as the mental health affinity group lead. Advocating for mental health has long been a passion of Mahler’s, and her goal on the board is to destigmatize discussions about mental health, both in the agency world and in her colleagues’ personal lives. She hopes this position will bring about impactful change for the employees at Critical Mass.

Most Helpful ɫɫ Course: “Consumer Behavior with Dr. Robert Harrison had the biggest impact on my professional career. Until then, I was certain I was going to go into a creative field, but Dr. Harrison’s course opened me up to a career in analytics.”