Text Card

Text cards allow stylized textual infographics, statistics or quotes to be added to Component grids.

Featured text Larger, upfront text.  In the examples below, "50%."
Additional text Normal text.  In the examples below, "This text card has provided additional text here."
Alignment Left (default) or Center
Attribution Italicized and preceded by em dash.  In the example below, "Anonymous."
Text is a quotation Unchecked (default) or checked.  Wraps text in large curly quotes if checked.
Link Text and URL destination.  Text required if URL provided.

How to add a Text card

  1. Select Text card from the Component type drop down list and click the Add new Component or Add another Component button.

  2. Decide if there should be a larger Featured text and/or Additional text.

  3. Choose whether the Alignment of the Text card should be left or center.

  4. Provide the Attribution, if any, and indicate whether the Text is a quotation by checking the checkbox or leaving it unchecked.

  5. If desired, provide a Link Title and URL as a link destination for the text card.

Things worth mentioning

  • Only plain text is allowed in Text cards so you cannot add bold text, images, additional links, etc.

  • The Featured text and Additional text will be horizontally next to each other when Alignment is left and vertically stacked when Alignment is center.

  • If Text is a quotation is checked, then the Featured text and Additional text will be enclosed in larger curly quotation marks.


This is an example of a Component grid with two Text card components.  The first Text card has Alignment set to center, an Attribution provided and Text is a quotation is checked.  The second Text card has Alignment set to left.