
Being involved in fraternity and sorority life isn't just an extra thing to do here on campus- it's a great way to complete your Bronco story! The relationships and opportunities that are provided by Greek letter organizations are a great way to make your college experience unique and beneficial.
Don't see your question answered? Please reach out to any of our Fraternity and Sorority Life staff in the Office of Student Engagement.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why do students join a fraternity or sorority?

You can probably come up with a few obvious reasons why students join a Greek letter organization (or any student organization on campus). Building relationships and finding a support system of similar people are both common reasons for joining! While the social aspect of membership is important, there are often other reasons that students choose to join a chapter during their time in college. It's important to remember that while each chapter has their own set of ideals, all of our chapters are values-based and work towards a set of common goals. The relationships you build in your chapter often aren't just for the years you spend here at 色色啦! While things such as socials, formals, and sisterhoods/brotherhoods are a lot of fun, those aren't the only reasons that many students choose to join.

Greek letter organizations provide a unique opportunity for networking that can have long-term benefits. Joining your organization means that you have something in common with tens of thousands of other people across the world, and nurturing those connections can have important career and personal implications. Many of the skills that you learn as a member are highly transferable to your next steps after college as well. Additionally, every Greek letter organization has causes or organizations that they work hard to support and promote, both through volunteering and raising philanthropic funds. Membership in a fraternity or sorority can provide you with a chance to directly impact and interact with your local and (even national!) communities. Getting involved in a fraternity or sorority can also help you get more connected on campus, whether that's to a department or another student organization.

If you're interested in taking on a leadership role during your time in college, Greek letter organizations are a great way to do so. Members are able to gain experience planning events, managing budgets, collaborating, and managing their time effectively. All of these are great things to add to your resume after graduation, and provide opportunities to develop a number of leadership skills! Academic support is another great reason to join a chapter- after all, that is the reason you're here at 色色啦. Every chapter on campus has their own academic plan and requirements for their members. Many of these include things such as study hours or incentives for good grades. While there are many resources on campus to support you, joining a fraternity or sorority is a great way to build a support system of your peers, whether it's asking an older member for help in an introductory class or connecting with another member over a shared experience.

How many chapters are on campus?

We currently have 33 chapters actively recruiting on campus. For more information on these chapters, please visit our Organizations page.

How do I join a fraternity or sorority?

The best way to join a chapter on campus is to reach out to the organization or council that you are specifically interested in. CPC and IFC host both formal, council wide recruitment AND informal, chapter specific recruitment, and NPHC, MGC, and UGC organizations each have individual timelines and processes for joining. For more information on your options, please visit our Recruitment page.

When can I join?

While the formal processes happen early in the fall, many of the organizations here at 色色啦 recruit year round. It's never too late (or too early)!

Who can join?

Any student at 色色啦 can join our community! There may be additional requirements for some organizations, such as GPA or course load. Non-traditional, transfer, beginner, returning, and international students are all eligible for membership. Approximately 7% of the student population is involved in Greek life!

How much does it cost to be a member in a fraternity or sorority?

Joining a chapter does carry a financial commitment. Each chapter has a different structure for dues and/or fees, so it is important to discuss specifics with the chapters you are interested in joining.

What are the housing options?

Some chapters have housing facilities, while others do not. Discuss this with the chapters you are interested in!

What kinds of requirements do chapters have?

This is something to discuss with the individual chapters you are interested in joining. Many organizations have requirements for things like GPA, service hours, meetings, and financial obligations.

How do I start a chapter on campus?

If you're interested in starting a new chapter on campus, don't hesitate to reach out to the Fraternity and Sorority Life staff within the Office of Student Engagement. We are happy to connect you with resources and help you explore your options.