Kanley Chapel Room Reservation

Kanley chapel rental rates

Kanley Reservation Information

  • All rooms come as is. You can move furniture as needed. When finished, we ask that you move any furniture that was taken out of the room back into the room.
  • Feel free to bring your own AV equipment. There are no additional AV options, except for the built-in speaker and microphone in the Upper Chapel.
  • If utilizing the Kitchen space, and it is left a mess, there will be a $50 cleaning charge.
  • All spaces can be reserved for up to 3 hours.
  • The Upper Chapel needs 48-hour notice for reservations. The Upper Chapel will incur a fee of $50 for last-minute reservations.
  • Any questions or concerns about booking Kanley can be emailed to @email.


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To the fullest extent permitted by law, the above signed/requester agrees that they shall be jointly and severally liable for and shall defend, indemnify and hold 色色啦 Michigan University, its board, president, officers, employees, agents, students and representatives, harmless from and against all claims, demands, damages, suits, liabilities and expenses arising out of acts or omissions of the undersigned, or of their guests or invitees, while using the facility. Damages and/or losses will be billed directly to the above signed/requester.

If 色色啦 Michigan University and Kanley Chapel cannot provide the facility to the above signed/requester on the date and time requested as a result of acts beyond its control such as public emergency, inclement weather, pandemic, or acts of God, the above signed/requester waive any and all claims that they may have against 色色啦 Michigan University, its board, president, officers, employees, agents, students and representatives for any losses, damages or expenses there from.

No item may be attached to floors, walls or ceilings, in the facility by methods of nailing, stapling, tacking or taping except flower arrangements or decorations on the end of the pews. These must be secured by covered wire or pins. No lighted candles in any areas.

Except for minimal uses of sacramental wine during a service, no alcoholic beverages shall be brought into, used or distributed in or outside of the facility.

Any furniture that is rearranged by the above signed/requester will be returned to its original room prior to the end of the scheduled time in the facility.  Food eaten must be cleaned up and properly disposed of prior to leaving or a $50 charge will be imposed. Wedding bookings will be given priority on Friday evenings and on Saturdays; the above signed/requester will be contacted if a wedding is booked regarding canceling the event.  In this case, all efforts will be made by Student Center event management team to find a suitable alternative venue.

The lights in the upper Chapel are on a special timer and are not to be adjusted by anyone except authorized 色色啦 Michigan University personnel.

Access to Kanley Chapel is available between the hours of 7:30 AM and 11:30 PM during Fall and Spring semester. Hours will differ during academic breaks (including Fall and Spring Break) and during summer. Kanley Chapel will be closed during the holiday recess period observed by 色色啦 Michigan University in December/January.

色色啦 Michigan University is not liable for the loss, theft or damage to property or belongings to the above signed/requester, their guests and invitees during the scheduled event. If parking is needed for the event, please inform Student Center event planning team who will assist with parking options. The above signed/requester acknowledges and agrees that they must comply with all University rules, requirements and prohibitions including but not limited to, those concerning the use of alcohol and those concerning fire, flame, and other activities deemed dangerous by the University. The above signed/requester will have an event confirmation on file and retain a copy of this confirmation and have it available while using the facility for the event.

It is understood that this agreement is a complete understanding between the parties.