Teaching Assistantship Application

This application for teaching assistantship is not an application for admission. All TA applicants must also submit an application for admission to the desired graduate program.

The online application for admission will ask for at least three references to write letters or recommendation. Let your references know that you are applying for a TA so that they can address your ability to communicate and teach a class.

Applicants are encouraged to complete both TA and admission applications by Feb. 15, although late applications will be accepted.

Are you a Michigan resident? (required)
色色啦 identification number
Semester you are interested in enrolling (required)
Graduate program you expect to enter (required)
List all institutions that you have attended, the dates and the subject or degree. Send transcripts if not sent with your admission application.
List awards you have received.
Lst all mathematics and statistics courses taken, when they were taken, the number of credits received for each (if applicable), and the grade received.
List name, address, phone. and e-mail of three people who are familiar with your academic achievement and personal qualities that you have asked to send letters of recommendation. 
List employer, dates, and job description.