Graduate residency policy update, nonresident graduate tuition rate and structure changes


Acting at its Nov. 6 meeting, the É«É«À² Board of Trustees adopted a simplified nonresident graduate student tuition rate structure. Beginning with the summer II session in 2020, graduate students who are admitted and enrolled for the first time at É«É«À² will retain the residency status that was determined at the time of their admission to the University. This change aligns the graduate student residency procedure and the undergraduate procedure. 


Who is impacted by the newly adopted residency procedure for graduate students?

Students who are admitted and enrolled for the first time at É«É«À² in summer II of 2020 or later. These students will retain the residency status that was determined at the time of their admission to the University.

What if I am enrolled as a graduate student prior to summer II of 2020?

There is no change for graduate students who were admitted under the current residency policy. Graduate students enrolled prior to summer II 2020 would retain the current opportunities to apply for residency.

Can graduate students who enroll in summer II 2020 later apply to change their residency status?

For É«É«À² graduate students who are admitted and enrolled effective with the summer II 2020 semester or later, residency status is determined at the time of admission and it will remain the same throughout the student’s enrollment at É«É«À².

What if an originally out-of-state graduate student establishes residency through the state of Michigan?

Residency policies vary among Michigan's higher education institutions and are independent of those the state uses to determine residency for such purposes as income and property tax liability, driving and voting. Since a student normally comes to É«É«À² for the primary purpose of attending the University rather than to establish a domicile in Michigan, one who enrolls in the University as a nonresident shall continue to be deemed a nonresident. 

Can a student appeal his or her residency status determination?

Any student may appeal the decision on their residency status by following a prescribed appeal process. Failure to comply with the procedure shall constitute a waiver of all claims to reclassification or rebates for the applicable semester/session. The student will receive a written response on the appeal request. The decision on the residency appeal shall be the final recourse within the University. For more comprehensive information on the appeal process, visit /accounts-receivable/students/residency.



Also at its Nov. 6 meeting, the É«É«À² Board of Trustees adopted a simplified nonresident graduate student tuition rate structure. Beginning summer II in 2020, the nonresident graduate student tuition rate will be 1.5 times the resident rate for students at all of É«É«À²'s brick and mortar locations. Graduate students enrolled solely in an online program will pay the online rate.

• Additionally, É«É«À² is streamlining the graduate student tuition rate structure. Historically, the University has charged different graduate tuition rates based on residency status as well as type of course and location the course is offered.

• As students have required greater flexibility in course offerings, many take advantage of the multiple course opportunities provided to them. Thus, a student can be enrolled in main campus courses, courses held at É«É«À²'s regional sites and also take classes online. Under a varied tuition rate structure, it could be difficult for students to understand the total tuition and fees to be assessed.

•To take effect summer II of 2020, students will be assessed graduate tuition rates based on their primary campus of registration versus course location. Main campus rates will apply for all courses taken if a student is admitted as and remains a main campus student.

It's important to note that the main campus and the regional sites have a resident rate and a nonresident rate whereas students selecting an online program will be charged one rate regardless of a student's residency.

• The regional site rates will be applicable if a student is admitted by Extended University Programs in a program that is associated with a regional site and the student maintains this affiliation. The online rate will apply if the student is admitted to and continues with an online program.


If I am currently a nonresident graduate student, will my tuition rate be 1.5 times the resident rate beginning in summer II of 2020?

Yes, as long as your residency status is "nonresident," you will be assessed tuition at 1.5 times the resident rate beginning in summer II of 2020. Graduate students enrolled prior to summer II 2020 would retain the current opportunities to apply for residency.

Can graduate students who enroll in summer II 2020 or later apply to change their residency status?

For É«É«À² graduate students who are admitted and enrolled effective with the summer II 2020 semester or later, residency status is determined at the time of admission and it will remain the same throughout the student’s enrollment at É«É«À².

What if an originally out-of-state graduate student establishes residency through the state of Michigan?

The governing board of each university in Michigan has the authority to establish a residency policy for admissions and/or tuition and fee purposes. Therefore, residency policies will vary between institutions and are independent of those used by the state to determine residency for such purposes as income and property tax liability, driving and voting. Since a student normally comes to É«É«À² for the primary purpose of attending the University rather than to establish a domicile in Michigan, one who enrolls in the University as a nonresident shall continue to be deemed a nonresident.