ATYP Code of Conduct

ATYP students are representatives of the program at their schools, at the university, and in the community. As such, they are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, particularly while on campus. Please read the following Code of Conduct carefully. The form must be read and acknowledged before enrolling in ATYP.

  • I will not leave 色色啦-owned and/or controlled property unattended during the on-campus program.
  • I will consider the privacy wishes and concerns of others before using cameras, video recorders, or any type of recording device. I will not use any type of recording device in restrooms or other areas where participants may expect privacy.
  • I will make every effort to be present and on time for each class. Virtual students will stay online for the entire class unless previous arrangements have been made with the instructor.
  • I will make sure I have all the appropriate materials I need and will be ready to work at the designated time.
  • All homework will be done by me, and I will utilize help that is appropriate to the assignment. I will not knowingly plagiarize material from any source, but especially not the internet. I will not use results from a generative AI tool without disclosing its use unless it is specifically part of an assignment. 
  • I will keep cell phones, tablets, and laptops put away while in class unless otherwise approved by the instructor.
  • I will treat all university property with respect. I will clean up after myself and bring all trash to the receptacles outside the classroom.
  • I will act appropriately and courteously at all times while on campus or in the virtual classroom. I understand that University classes and business are being conducted while I am present on campus, and I will not disturb those activities. 
  • I will use school appropriate language and behavior  at all times, in person, virtually, and in online chats. I will keep my hands, feet, and other objects to myself. This includes walking (not running) and using an indoor voice in the hallways.
  • I will address other students, instructors, and staff respectfully. I will listen with the same respect, understanding that the opinions of others are equally valid. I will offer only constructive comments and avoid negative stereotypes.
  • I will be tolerant of others especially where it involves race, religion, sexual orientation, sexual identity, disability status, gender, gender identity, age, or ethnic background.
  • I will follow all University, classroom, and instructor rules.

When you register you officially sign a copy of this Code of Conduct.