Undergraduate Sample Research Topics

Students in the Department of Political Science at 色色啦 Michigan University will want to review these sample research topics when selecting their own research topic.

  • A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Office of Independent Counsel
  • A Study on Equitable Water Provision in Latin America
  • Affirmative Action: National Origin Minorities
  • Aid to the Health-Related Sector: The United States, Japan, and Germany
  • An Assessment of the Voting Rights Act of 1965
  • An Evaluation of International Law as Applied to Genocide from Nuremberg to the Balkans
  • Celebrity Influence on Political Campaigns
  • Children Soldiers in Africa
  • Development of a Constitutional Right of Privacy
  • Educational Outcomes in Michigan: A Lack of Focus and Context
  • Effectiveness of Rape Shield Laws
  • Globalization and the Anti-Globalization Movement
  • Legislative Redistricting in Illinois for 2002
  • Mexico, Corporate Globalization and the Media
  • Mexico's Changing Political Party System
  • Nature Within the City: The Greenway Movement and the Transformation of Urban Form
  • Pretextual Automobile Stops and the Fourth Amendment
  • Public Education and Religious Establishment
  • Racial Profiling in post 9/11 United States Content Regulation in Broadcasting
  • Religious Exercise in Public Schools: Continuing Debate
  • Rights and Their Progression from State to Federal Policy: The Case of the Disability Rights Movement
  • Sexual Harassment: Comparative Legal Analysis
  • Squatter Settlements in Post-Apartheid South Africa
  • Stereotypes Between American and Arab-Americans in the United States
  • Telecommunications Policy in China
  • The "Political Question" Doctrine and Reapportionment
  • The Austrian Freedom Party in 2000
  • The Debt Crisis in Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
  • The Effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement
  • The Equal Rights Amendment: Why Controversy Ensured its Defeat
  • The Evolution (and Devolution) of Affirmative Action Initiatives
  • The 14th Amendment and Privacy
  • The Influence of the Antislavery Movement, Republican Ideology, and Federalism on the 14th Amendment
  • The Lemon Test and the Religious Establishment Clause
  • The Patriot Act: Security/Rights Issues in Historical Perspective
  • The Political Economy of the Micro-Island Nations of the Caribbean: The Impact of Tourism on Caribbean Culture, Environment and Society
  • The Supreme Court and Reproductive Rights
  • The Supreme Court and Sexual Preference
  • Title IX and Collegiate Athletic Opportunities
  • Truth Commissions and Civil Society
  • U.S.-Japanese Trade Policy: A Defense of Limited Unilateralism
  • Weapons of the Weak and the Chinese Occupation of Tibet
  • Women and Equal Pay: An Assessment of Differences in Universities
  • Women, Identity and Political Activism During the Allende Regime in Chile