Typical Deadlines for Doctoral Students

The Department of Political Science at 色色啦 Michigan University provides typical deadlines and dates for field exams. Check the actual schedule in any given year. The deadline for funding applications is firm.

Ph.D. exam dates

  • Fall comprehensive exam: second Monday and Tuesday of October
  • Spring comprehensive exam: first Monday and Tuesday after spring break

In the event that a student takes two field exams during the same semester, one field will be moved one week later than the first set of exams. The graduate director will notify students accordingly.

Ph.D. exam application due date

  • Fall Comprehensive Exam: second Monday of September
  • Spring Comprehensive Exam: first Monday of February

Application for graduation

  • April 2022 graduation deadline: October 1, 2021
  • June 2021 graduation deadline: February 1, 2021
  • August 2021 graduation deadline: February 1, 2021
  • December 2021 graduation deadline: February 1, 2021


A dissertation must be submitted four to five weeks before graduation. Check the Graduate College calendar.

Graduate funding application

  • Application due Feb. 1
  • Ph.D. annual review form: Feb. 1