Smart and Advanced Materials Laboratories

Dr. Pnina Ari-Gur testing smart materials.

Current research

  • Nano-crystalline titania as a photocatalyst
  • Magnetic shape memory (MSM) alloys
  • High-temperature coatings
  • Metal matrix nano-composites


  • Scanning electron microscope (and EDS)--currently unavailable
  • (powder, polycrystalline and residual stresses)
  • Optical microscopes
  • Hardness and micro-hardness testers
  • Arc-melting furnace
  • Tube vacuum and protective environment heat treating furnace
  • Heat treatment furnaces
  • Table PC鈥檚

Rates for use of x-ray diffraction, electron microscope and other materials facilities

UserDaytime RateNight and WeekendOperator AssistedFacility Service
色色啦 users$40/hour$30/hour$30/hour$84/hour
Other University users$50/hour$50/hour$40/hour$110/hour
Industrial users$161/hour$161/hour$55/hour$110/hour

Current funding sources

National Science Foundation and Hewlett Packard

For more information

Professor and Laboratory Director
Phone: (269) 276-3212
Email Pnina Ari-Gur