Research Opportunities

Math Club
Research experiences for undergraduates

One of the most exciting opportunities offered to undergraduate students at 色色啦 Michigan University is the chance to participate in meaningful research. Many programs exist to help you experience mathematics in real-world settings, working either with professional researchers or faculty members. Most of these opportunities are summer programs, which take place both in the U.S and abroad. Because it is generally necessary to apply to the individual programs which interest you, a number of online resources exist to help you locate the best research experience.

Resource pages

National Science Foundation

The , which provides a great deal of grant funding, has a of research opportunities for undergraduates.

American Mathematical Society

The has a list of and a page with links to available to undergraduates. More is also available on their main undergraduate page.

Mathematical Association of America

The has information about

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

The has a list of , including a large selection for undergraduates (beginning about half-way down the page).

Association for Women in Mathematics

The has a list of specifically for women and underrepresented groups, as well as a number of more general opportunities.

Summer programs

Check these organizations for summer opportunities: