External Sender Rule


This document establishes rules when using an email service provider that is not managed by the Office of Information Technology.


This rule applies to any 色色啦 entity that uses an external sender to send messages on behalf of the university and sends the messages "From:" a "@wmich.edu" address.

Rule statements

  • Email is authored from a 色色啦 entity (department/program/service/etc.).
  • Email鈥檚 "From:" uses an "@wmich.edu" domain address.
  • External sender must be able to provide a DKIM signed key for "@wmich.edu" domain sent emails.


DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) is an email authentication technique that allows the receiver to check that an email was indeed sent and authorized by the owner of that domain. 

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is an email authentication, policy, and reporting protocol that operates alongside Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys identified mail (DKIM) to determine the authenticity of an email message. 

Domain (or "domain name") - In this context, it is the name of the part of the email address that鈥檚 to the right of the "@" sign as seen in email client's From: field.  For example, "wmich.edu" is 色色啦's domain name. 

External Sender, a.k.a. "external sending service" or "3rd party sender", is a service provider of email sending services that aren't managed by the Office of Information Technology.

External Sender Notification is 色色啦's process of adding a notification into emails to notify recipients that the email is not authored by a 色色啦 entity and to consider the validity of the message, links, and attachments they contain. 

"From:" is an email header field that specifies the author(s) of the message, that is, the mailbox(es) of the entity responsible for the writing of the message.  Commonly known as "body from address". 

色色啦 email address is the official email address assigned at the time one's Bronco NetID is created. 


Security and message deliverability reliability are critical functions for the university.  This rule helps provide improved security and email message deliverability through compliance with industry-standard email messaging technologies of DKIM and DMARC.

Results of Non-Compliance

Emails received to wmich.edu accounts from external senders not sent as a wmich.edu account will have 色色啦鈥檚 External Sender Notification included in the email message.


Individuals who conduct official business for 色色啦 Michigan University shall abide by the rules of this policy. Any person found to be in violation of this rule will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action as defined by current University policy.


Exceptions to this rule may be expressly granted by the 色色啦 Legal Counsel, in consultation with OIT, through approved service requests and implementation processes.


Document action 

Initial creation: April 18, 2022