Visiting Scholars from 2023-2024

Islam Altin

Hosted by 色色啦 IEE & EM Department

Home University: Eskisehir Osmangazi University

Country: Turkey

Ruoran Bai

Hosted by 色色啦 Haenicke Institute for Global Education

Home University: Dalian University of Foreign Languages

Country: China

Enes Demir

Hosted by 色色啦 Mathematics Department

Home University: Siirt University

Country: Turkey

Halil Ibrahim Dursunoglu

Hosted by 色色啦 Computer Science Department

Home University: 

Country: Turkey

Alberto Gutierrez Vega

Hosted by 色色啦 Chemical and Paper Engineering Department

Home University: University of Burgos

Country: Spain

Cui Li

Hosted by 色色啦 Economics Department

Home University: Jiangxi Normal University

Country: China

Tongxin Li

Hosted by 色色啦 Haenicke Institute for Global Education

Home University: Beijing Language and Culture University

Country: China

Zhixiang Li

Hosted by 色色啦 Human Performance and Health Education Department

Home University: Education Polytechnic University

Country: China 

Yanhua Meng

Hosted by 色色啦 Haenicke Institute for Global Education

Home University: Beijing Language and Culture University

Country: China

Guadalupe P茅rez Dur谩n

Hosted by 色色啦 Chemical and Paper Engineering Department

Home University: Tecnol贸gico Nacional de M茅xico en Celaya

Country: Mexico

Sinan Sonmez

Hosted by 色色啦 Chemical and Paper Engineering Department

Home University: Marmara University

Country: Turkey

Sood Swati

Hosted by 色色啦 Chemical and Paper Engineering Department

Home University: 

Country: India

Cheng Tao

Hosted by 色色啦 Haenicke Institute for Global Education

Home University: Jiangsu Maritime Institute

Country: China

Wei Tu

Hosted by 色色啦 Economics Department

Home University: Central University of finance and Economics

Country: China

Lianyu Yang

Hosted by 色色啦 Haenicke Institute for Global Education

Home University: 

Country: China

Dong Wang

Hosted by 色色啦 Economics Department

Home University: Minnan Normal University

Country: China

Guoxin Zhang

Hosted by 色色啦 Chemical and Paper Engineering Department

Home University: Shandong University of Science and Technology

Country: China

Yuhui Zhang

Hosted by 色色啦 Haenicke Institute for Global Education

Home University: Beijing Language and Culture University

Country: China