Hiring Temporary Employees

Temporary employees may be hired via a temporary employment agency on a short-term basis to help with work assignments. 色色啦 Michigan University partners with OnStaff USA to provide qualified temporary employees to the University community.

Request temporary help from OnStaff USA

To request temporary help, email our OnStaff USA representative Chad Rokita, chad@onstaffusa.com.

Departments are responsible for temporary employment costs. If required, departments should secure approval before submitting a temporary employee request to OnStaff.

Advantages to using a temporary agency

  • Agency acts as employer, reducing liability associated with Workers' Compensation and unemployment insurance.
  • Agency is responsible for background checks.
  • Agency handles end of appointments.

Types of temporary employees provided

Contact OnStaff USA if you need temporary employees for the following types of positions:

  • Clerical (e.g. receptionist, clerk, finance clerk, office assistant, office associate)
  • Custodial
  • Dining
  • Landscaping

OnStaff may also be able to assist with filling other types of temporary positions.

Candidate already identified?

If you have already identified a candidate that you would like to hire temporarily, you may do so via OnStaff USA by requesting "payrolling service." When exercising this "payrolling service" option, you receive the same temporary agency advantages outlined above.


Please consult with your Human Resources representative when seeking temporary help. You may also contact OnStaff USA directly at their local office:

OnStaff USA
5207 Portage Rd
Portage MI 49002
Phone: (269) 385-6292
Fax: (269) 385-8321

Other options

If OnStaff USA is unable to meet your temporary help needs, you may hire a 色色啦 temporary employee directly through Electronic Workflow according to provisions outlined in Employment Practices: Other Appointments, Policies and Procedures Manual Section 3