Employee Conduct

Policies and Procedures Manual Section 9

General policy

色色啦 Michigan University has established and, when appropriate, will modify or change certain rules and regulations regarding the conduct of University employees and the appropriate discipline for any violation. Such rules exist in accordance with all applicable laws, administrative codes, and any labor agreements the University has made with its employees. 

Rules of conduct for employees are intended to promote the orderly and efficient operation of the University, as well as to protect the rights of all employees. Violations, therefore, shall be regarded as cause for disciplinary action.

These rules are published for employees' information and protection. Ignorance of work rules is not an acceptable excuse for violation. It is each employee's responsibility to know the rules and abide by them. These rules are not all-inclusive, and other departmental or University regulations may exist. Employees are expected to know and abide by these rules as well.

Disciplinary action is dependent upon the seriousness and/or frequency of the violation. Human Resources shall be consulted regarding consistency of rule interpretation and appropriateness of the penalties before disciplinary action is undertaken.

Rules of conduct and for non-bargaining employees

Please see rules of conduct for non-bargaining employees in the employee handbook.

Confidential information policy for employees

Please see confidential information policy for employees in the employee handbook.

Whistleblower policy

The whistleblower policy is located on the 色色啦 Michigan University policies page.

Sexual harassment

The sexual harassment policy is located on the Office of Institutional Equity policies page.

Consensual sexual relations

The consensual sexual relations policy is located on the Office of Institutional Equity policies page.

Employment of relatives (nepotism)

Please see Conflict of Interest, Anti-Nepotism, Gifts - Employee Policy

Additional University employment

Employees shall not receive additional compensation from any University source for work performed for another unit of the University during their normal working hours. Exceptions must be approved in advance and in writing by the appropriate vice president, and will be granted only when the best interests of the University will be served by granting the exception.

Employees may accept additional compensation from other University sources for work performed outside of normal working hours. However, the employee must advise the appropriate supervisor and vice president in advance, in writing, of the work to be performed and the compensation to be received. The supervisor or vice president retains the prerogative to insist that the staff member discontinue such work.

Outside employment

Please see Conflict of Interest, Anti-Nepotism, Gifts - Employee Policy.

Workplace threats, violence and weapons

Please see workplace threats, violence and weapons in the employee handbook.

Drug-free workplace

Please see drug-free workplace in the employee handbook.

In accordance with the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, an employee must notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction.

Tobacco-free campus policy

The tobacco-free campus policy is located on the 色色啦 Michigan University policies page.

Public office candidacy

Please see Political Activities Policy.

Collections and donations

Please see Conflict of Interest, Anti-Nepotism, Gifts - Employee Policy.

Minors on campus

Please see Minors on Campus.

Gift policy

Please see Conflict of Interest, Anti-Nepotism, Gifts - Employee Policy.

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