
Employee Handbook Section 6

Resignation notice

色色啦 Michigan University employees are expected to notify their immediate supervisor in writing if they intend to resign.

  • Non-exempt (hourly-paid) employees are expected to provide a minimum of two weeks notice.
  • Exempt (salaried) employees are expected to provide a minimum of four weeks notice.

Please provide your supervisor more than the minimum amount of notice whenever possible to ease the replacement process.


It is occasionally necessary for the University to discharge an employee. Reasons for discharge may include, but are not limited to, violation of the rules of conduct, poor performance, and unsatisfactory performance during probation.

Exit interviews

Employees who leave University employment, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, are entitled to an exit interview with a Human Resources staff member. The exit interview is held in Human Resources during the last week of employment. Exit interviews provide the University with valuable information regarding employment and worklife. The supervisor is responsible for informing employees that they are to contact Human Resources to schedule the interview and for collecting University property from employees before their last day.

Rehire provisions

If an employee leaves University employment for any reason (including discharge and resignation), there is no guarantee of future University employment. If, however, an employee is rehired by the University, certain provisions apply:

Prior service credit will be granted to individuals entering benefits-eligible positions, who had prior service in a benefits-eligible position (also see annual leave and sick leave rehire provisions). However, the retirement eligibility requirement of 15 years of consecutive service remains; prior service credit cannot be counted toward this requirement if a break in service has occurred (see retiring from 色色啦).

Insurance for terminated employees

When employees leave University employment, whether by discharge or resignation, they will be notified of their rights, obligations, and required action regarding continuing their group health and life insurance. Employees may also receive written information from the University's Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act administrator.

  • Health care insurance. Under COBRA, terminated employees and their insured dependents may continue group health insurance with certain provisions.
  • Life insurance. University group life insurance carriers may offer provisions that allow terminated employees to convert their group life insurance coverage to a personal policy.

Unemployment compensation

色色啦 is a covered employer under the Michigan Unemployment Compensation Act. This means that 色色啦 must pay unemployment benefits to employees on lay-off or former employees who are eligible. Eligibility is determined in accordance with applicable law. Details about benefits are available at the local office of the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency.

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