Volunteer Opportunities

Looking for a place to start?

We have compiled some possible volunteer opportunities in the Kalamazoo area if you are new to the community or new to service projects! This is in no way an exhaustive list, rather a place to start for those who need it. Any questions should be directed to advising staff via email

(269) 998-0101

(269) 345-0273

(269) 343-5896

(269) 382-6555

(269) 349-8710

(269) 492-1010

(269) 342-5059

(269) 223-5497

(Contact via website)

(269) 382-6800

(269) 979-1351

(269) 349-1035

(269) 226-4882

(269) 349-4485

Contact via website or email

Contact via website or email

(269) 337-1601

(269) 345-1516

(269) 385-6279


FIRE Place Resource and Support
(269) 387-2990

Gibbs House

(269) 387-0943

(269) 343-1516 or email 

(269) 532-1220 or email

(269) 381-1510

Invisible Need Project 
(269) 387-4742

(269) 226-8570

(269) 382-3640

(269) 345-1181

(269) 585-9280

(269) 488-2617

(269) 381-1574

(269) 343-6073

(269) 349-4234

(269) 324-5705

(269) 382-0515

(269) 344-1474

Or contact them via email

(269) 345-9622

(269) 345-5595

(269) 343-2524