Decoration Displays and Christmas Trees


As the holiday season approaches we experience the practice of erecting decorations, displays, and Christmas trees.  In an attempt to provide an environment free of fire hazards for faculty, staff, students, and visitors the following rules shall apply on the 色色啦 Michigan University campus:

鈥ecorations of any type shall be of such materials that they will not continue to burn or glow after being subjected to the flame of an ordinary match.  The normal use of bulletin boards and posters shall not be subject to this rule.

鈥lectrical devices must bear the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) label and be in good repair and condition.

鈥ecorations, displays, and Christmas trees shall be located so they will not obstruct doors, corridors, stairs, landings, or spaces providing normal egress, neither shall they obstruct building signs, exit lights, fire equipment, or building service equipment.

鈥aterial used in displays must be adequately secured to prevent falling.  Free-standing displays must have adequate stability to prevent toppling.  No attachments to building structures may be made except those receiving prior approval from deans, directors, chairpersons, or department heads.

鈥armful objects or material (toxic, flammable, etc.) shall not be used.

The following examples are provided for your guidance in selecting acceptable decorations, displays, and Christmas trees.

Not Acceptable:

鈥atural Christmas trees or branches

鈥otton batting or cotton balls

鈥rdinary untreated crepe paper, tissue paper, or fabrics

鈥xposed electrical current

鈥ight bulbs in contact with decorations

鈥ast burning plastic materials

鈥pen candles, incense, and gas or liquid-fuel lanterns

鈥oose or baled hay, corn stalks, leaves, etc.


鈥lame retardant crepe paper, tissue paper, and fabrics

鈥pot or flood lighting

鈥able candles (in dining rooms only) with glass bowls or chimneys

鈥hristmas trees of metal or self-extinguishing plastic

鈥erosol artificial snow

鈥L Approved small lights on plastic trees


Revised 11/1/2019