European Core Health Indicators (ECHI)


The European Core Health Indicators (ECHI) is a collection of over 60 health indicators providing comparable and consistent information on health across Europe. ECHI covers data for all EU Member States and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and candidate countries as well. ECHI is the outcome  of the long-term partnership between EU countries and the European Commission. Along with ECHI, the ECHI data tool, introduced here, also includes other demographic and socio-economic and health indicators. The ECHI data tool presents these indicators in four groups: demographic and socio-economic factors; health status; determinants of health; health interventions: health services. The ECHI data tool provides several graphical views of the data: line chart, bar chart, maps, and tables. *

*This description is a paraphrased version of the description on ECHI website.

Available data file formats

Excel and PDF


This is an open data source that is for public use.



Suppose you want to explore the cancer-induced mortality rate of children in Denmark after 2010. This indicator is about health status and you want to get as much data as possible.


  • Locate the data source. Go to . You will be directed to the following page in which ECHI Data Tool is provided to explore your topic.

Screenshot of the European Core Health Indicators main page. On the left, there is the ECHI Data Tool, below which the indicators are classified into four chapters.

  • Select the right indicator. Under Select Indicators in chapters, you can see that all the indicators are categorized into four chapters. Click on Health Status indicators to see the indicators included in this chapter. Since you are looking for cancer-induced mortality rate, Disease-specific mortality is selected next.

Screenshot similar to the image above. The second chapter of the four, Health Status indicators, has a mark you can click on to get its sub-categories, in which the seventh is Disease-specific mortality.

  • Select the right indicator (cont.). The final step is to find the right indicator for children under category Disease-specific mortality. The right one is listed as Crude death rate per 100,000 inhabitants, all childhood cancers, total population of children. Click on the box in front of it to make the selection.

Screenshot similar to the image above. Now in the sub-category Disease-specific mortality, there are many indicators when you click on the mark before it. Scroll down until you find the indicator, Crude death rate per 100,000 inhabitants, all childhood cancers, total population of children.

  • Select Denmark for all years after 2010. Select Denmark by clicking on the box in front of it from the Countries filter and then select 2011 to 2016 from the Years filter. Once you have done that, click on the green button Update below.

Screenshot of the filters Countries and Years, which are below the section of indicators. There is an empty box in front of each country or region and available years for you to make a choice. Denmark and years 2011 to 2016 are checked in this case. There is a Update button in the bottom.

  • Download your data. After updating the selected indicator, you are able to see 4 different views of the data, Line chart, Bar chart, Map chart, and Table chart. Both line chart and bar chart allow you to export the data in a PDF form. You can also download the data in an excel file from table chart. Once you open the Table chart of the data, click on Export to excel to download the data.

Screenshot of the outcome section, which is below the filters. The selected Table chart of the data is shown and there is a download button, Export to excel, appearing in the upper-left corner.

Be sure to consult with the source website on how to properly cite your data. For this scenario, the citation in APA format would look something like:

European Core Health Indicators. Disease-specific mortality - HSIND012390 [Indicator]. European Commission. (Accessed on December 2, 2019)