Bronco Spotlight: Melinda Andrews


Bachelor of Science in psychology, 2020

Foster Care Worker at Samaritas

My main job is working with 17 and 18 year old girls in our independent living program and getting them ready for life outside of foster care. I help them find jobs, finish school, get their driver's license and more. I also work with kids in foster homes and make sure they get all the support they need while going through this.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most rewarding part is seeing the difference I make in these kids' lives. The most challenging part is seeing what they have all gone through.  

What experiences impacted the choice of your career path?

After all my involvement with dance marathon I realized that I wanted to do something that helped kids. I also wanted to do something that would make a difference with others. 

What advice do you have for students looking for their career after college?

Be patient and apply for as many jobs as you can. Sometimes it can take many interviews and many different companies to find your right fit but it will come.

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