Sam Berman smiling nicely.

Sam Berman, B.B.A.’19

Marketing Research Maven

Senior Analyst,

During Sam Berman’s time at ɫɫ’s Haworth College of Business, she discovered a love for market research and data analytics, ultimately deciding to pursue a Master’s in Marketing Research at the University of Georgia. She was awarded a full-tuition scholarship plus a stipend to help fund her graduate degree, and by the end of the year was recognized with the Stewardship Award, given by the cohort to the individual who added most to the culture and experience for everyone.

After grad school, Berman moved to Cincinnati to start as an analyst at Burke, a market research supplier. There, she has had the opportunity to learn a variety of new techniques, join teams dedicated to internal initiatives and advancement in analytical capabilities, mentor new hires, develop trainings to enhance the skill sets of other employees, and bake cookies for the entire company on a regular basis (true story!). She now serves in a senior analyst position.

In 2023, she was nominated for Burke’s Embracer Award, which is given to an individual or team that promotes an inclusive, equitable environment, an organizational sense of belonging, or helps clients answer a diversity, equity or access question. 

Berman has given her time to both her alma maters. She served as a judge for Dr. Ann Veeck’s food marketing analytics final project, where she provided feedback on student presentations, and has served as a resource for ɫɫ Haworth students interested in market research careers. She represents Burke on the University of Georgia Master’s in Marketing Research Board. Keeping a close tie to her graduate program at UGA has been key for Berman; she regularly recommends the program to interested undergraduate students seeking a meaningful career in market research.  

Funniest Work Experience:

“My manager’s long, passionate monologue about his unfettered love for pretzel buns in an internal stand-up meeting.”