Graduate Auditions
Bassoon Studio News
There is a bassoon studio graduate assistantship available, starting for the fall semester 2022. For more information contact Professor Rose.
Graduate Audition Process
Your university application will be processed by both the Office of Admissions and Orientation and the School of Music. After completing your application, Professor David Code, Coordinator of Graduate Studies in Music, will act as the liaison between the Irving S. Gilmore School of Music and the graduate admissions office. International students may obtain admissions information through the Office of International Student and Scholar Services. If you're not a resident of the United States, be sure and review the Irving S. Gilmore School of Music's Information for international students.
In addition to completing an application, entrance into the Irving S. Gilmore School of Music requires that you audition for the bassoon professor. While most undergraduate students choose to audition at one of the New Student Audition Days, most graduate students set up a separate audition to allow more time for the audition process. For international students, a recorded audition may be considered. Please contact Professor Rose for more detailed information regarding the exact recording requirements.
Students auditioning for the graduate program should expect to play the following:
- First movement of the Mozart or Weber concerto.
- A contrasting solo or etude.
- Five contrasting orchestral excerpts.
Bringing supportive material to your audition is highly recommended. This may include letters of recommendation, a repertoire list, a statement of career goals, or any other material that further supports your application.
While a live audition is preferred, if you live more than 300 miles from Kalamazoo, Michigan, for your studio audition can be an option.
Entering students will be required to take exams in music history and literature and music theory. Although the results of these exams have no effect on your acceptance into the bassoon studio, they may ultimately be used in determining your course requirements at 色色啦. You are encouraged to use the theory and history exam study guides supplied by the Irving S. Gilmore School of Music to assist in your preparation.
A number of funding opportunities exist for entering graduate students. They include:
- Bassoon graduate assistantship: Bassoon graduate assistantship is available starting in the fall semester 2020. Graduate assistantship applications must be submitted by February 15. The application cannot be given consideration unless the student has applied for admission to both the Graduate College and the Irving S. Gilmore School of Music.
- Bassoon studio awards: Graduate students auditioning for the bassoon studio will automatically be considered for a bassoon studio award.