Anna and Harry L. Gernant Family Fine Arts Scholarship

Nomination Deadline

  • Next available to the Frostic School of Art for nomination in spring of 2026 (Second Friday in February) for the academic year 2026-27.

Award Amount

  • Amount varies from year to year
  • Scholarships are effective for the duration of the next academic year. One-half during the fall semester and one-half during the spring semester.

Eligibility Criteria

  • College of Fine Arts Major
  • 3.5 GPA or higher
  • Maintain full-time status
  • Undergraduate of junior or senior status or graduate student
  • Graduating seniors are ineligible for this award
  • Must be deemed a student of distinction based upon his or her artistic and academic achievements and endeavors. These achievements and endeavors shall be discipline-specific as defined by each College of Fine Arts unit. They may include leadership qualities, honors, awards, etc.
  • Student must be nominated by faculty and selected by the Dean of College of Fine Arts. Student must write a thank-you letter to the donor

Nomination Form

Faculty nomination form